Journey to Wellness: Peru Itinerary 2 Weeks of Allowing Ease Retreat (Day By Day Experience)

As someone who had never experienced a retreat before, let me start by saying that this Peru Itinerary 2 weeks of Allowing Ease Retreat, was just what I needed. Each and every single day held it’s own value and significance. Whether it be the transformation, the care that was poured into me, or even what I had experienced while in Peru itself. 

Although I kind of dove right into things without seeing an itinerary, It may be helpful for you to get to see my personalized itinerary, so that you feel a bit more comfortable, in case you may need it.

Peru Itinerary 2 Weeks - A Day By Day Example

Please note, that each itinerary is perfectly curated to each person. Especially because some excursions may be only open on certain days, physical exercise level, arrival/departure days, and where you may be on an energy level each day.

It’s worth mentioning that between each of these softly scheduled itinerary items, it’s purely a rest time. Which encourages you to find what that truly means to you. Whether that be using the sauna, walking around, exploring the valley, practicing stillness, and more. So, these days are truly an easeful wellness, detox, self love retreat. As you read this article, you’ll see some of the ways that I chose to relax, which may give you some insight too.

Day 1 - Arrival & Settling In

After arriving at the airport, I was welcomed with an open heart and open arms by Roberto, the facilitator. Then escorted to the taxi and greeted with gifts to aid in the acclimation process. This beautiful location does come with a higher level of altitude, but rest assured the care and attention is provided. But, forewarning, one of the gifts given to help acclimate, is absolutely delicious! This is just one you’ll have to try for yourself.

TIP: It’s important to communicate any offsetting feelings that you may be experiencing, to the facilitator, they want to ensure to best assist. Especially because altitude sickness can be prevented.

As the Taxi drove to Pacha Munay Wellness, I peered out the window beholding the views of the city, mountains, and lush greenery; the feelings of freedom rushed through me. Have you ever noticed that the excited feelings that come from travel don’t happen until right after you land? Same!

After arriving, I began to settle into the cozy, luxurious, and crisp white adobe cottages. Each cottage is carefully designed with local handcrafted artwork, bed frames, blankets, pillows, toiletries, and more. I’ve personally gotten to experience and see the facilitator work with the artisans in crafting these pieces and seeing the smiles on the local’s faces.

Once I was settled and unpacked, next up was trying the lunch and dinner. Let me first start out by saying that each and every meal is absolutely bursting with flavors! As for me, I’m a bit picky about the quality of the food, but here it’s fantastic. Pacha Munay Wellness has a garden onsite, where ingredients are freshly picked and organic. They also pair up with locals at the markets who have the best organic produce. Believe me when I say, I can taste it, and I’m sure you’ll be able to as well!

In the evening, once feeling full and a bit more settled, guided meditation is then offered. For me, this created that first layer of connection and trust, as I began to step into myself and my healing.

Day 2 - First Local Venture & Full Day Of Retreat

Beginning the very first full retreat day, but the second day in Peru, sipping the hot lemon water and mesmerized by the Andes Mountains. That’s one view that just doesn’t get old, and the property is fully surrounded with views of them. 

Then, once the facilitator is awake, he recommends a fiber-rich digestive shake. This shake doesn’t have much of a taste and can quickly be downed like a shot. It’s great for helping detox the digestive system and providing energy while detoxing. Believe me, when I say, it’s really not that bad, I thought it would be, but once I tried it I realized that it’s not bad at all.

Plus, breakfast is just an hour or two afterward anyway, so the flavor can be easily overlooked. Not that there is much of a flavor anyway. 

Then once after breakfast, there’s an opportunity to visit the local market. Remember when I spoke of Pacha Munay Wellness getting the best local produce there? Well, this was the first day that I got to see it, and where you will too! Not to mention that there are also tons of artisans, varieties of plants, general household items, and more!

TIP: One valuable tip to know is that the vendors/locals will also let you taste test what you’re interested in too! There were some fruits there that I’d never even seen or tasted before! (Thank you, Roberto, for showing me this)

Oh, and the facilitator and I took the public transportation there, offering the first local experience. This really gives perspective in the sense that I’ve gotten to see people live with less, but still be happy or still have their foundational needs met but in a completely different way. As well as seeing the families bringing their harvests, the way the woman hold their children on their backs, and kids wearing their uniforms to school. It’s really beautiful to see.

After those fresh new ingredients have been picked up, they’ll get made into an exquisite lunch. Then allow for some rest time afterward, allowing for a great opportunity to begin self-reflecting on what rest truly meant to me and what it means to you.

Which made for the perfect leeway into the guided journal and guided meditation sessions. As each of them was curated to what I experienced and voiced to the facilitator. Allowing for a personalized experience and deeper transformations. Some of the transformations that I had during the retreat, I’ve written more in depth about in this article, here.

Day 3 - Hot Springs Venture

Starting off another day right, sipping hot lemon water, detox juices, and later taking a swig of the fiber-rich digestive shakes; tuning into my body, emotions, and mind. Actually, stepping into all of them, feeling the pull of the Sacred Valley, pushing the emotions to the surface. Preparing to express everything and journal with the facilitator. For me, the Sacred Valley, pulls everything to the surface to be felt and worked through. So, don’t be surprised if you cry a lot and feel the emotions sitting on your chest, waiting to be felt. I felt them too!

Luckily, after breakfast, there’s a hot springs day trip through the winding mountains. This is an incredibly beautiful experience and a full-day trip, so definitely be prepared to pack the essentials.

Tip: The winding mountains can certainly make the facilitator and I a bit woozy or nauseous, so If you also think that you’ll get nauseous, be sure to tell him, and he’ll get you some medicine. This will ensure that you have a more comfortable trip, not to mention it’s also better to be safe rather than sorry!

But let me just say that the winding mountains are worth it! The textures, silhouettes, and colors of the mountains are just magnificent.

Plus, there are also llamas and alpacas wandering throughout them, ready for pictures. I personally found it humorous to say ‘hola’ to the closest ones, through the window. Ha! 

TIP: Be sure to sit on the same side, on both taxi rides, so that you can get full views of both sides.

Once arriving at the hot springs, the facilitator got me checked in, and then I was free to shower, and then enjoy whichever hot spring I’d like. Each of them ranged in size, as well as temperature. I personally chose a temperature that I could comfortably enjoy for a while, truly allowing my body to soak up the beneficial minerals within the hot spring itself.

Once back from the wondrous hot spring adventure, it was time for the finishing guided meditation. Which is perfect timing, being relaxed and already in my body, ready to feel and receive.

Day 4 - Ceremony

Another refreshing start to the day, with hot lemon water, green juice, and a fiber-rich digestive shake. But this time, complimented with a bit of yoga! The yoga teacher would ask me if there were any pain points to be aware of as well as if I had any tension throughout my body, truly curating it to my needs. Which is incredibly rare and one of the things that I liked most about the yoga here. Plus, that blooming landscape and silhouettes of the mountains are just the cherry on top of it all.

Once finished, breakfast is served and guided journaling begins. This day felt as if it were mostly about rest, ceremony, and deepening the connection I had with myself. Also, this day was the beginning of when I started to connect to my breath, sit in stillness, and truly get closer to the center of myself. Thanks to the guidance and journaling, I was able to find that place of pure peace, that I wasn’t able to hold onto before. 

Later, after lunch, a traditional Q’ero Pacos, a priest, came to perform a Despacho Ceremony. Throughout the ceremony, he’d unpack items that had been passed down through generations and had been blessed by his entire family. Then he’d unwrap other items, have the facilitator and I bless some items, and place them in a center display to create an altar and offering. We’d each bless our friends and families, as well as offer gratitude and prayer.

After the energetic ceremony would come to a finish, we would burn everything to send out our prayers and blessings, and in return receive the blessings and prayers of the priest.  It was truly an experience of a lifetime and well received, I felt honored and was just buzzing with gratitude.

Then saying our goodbyes, the facilitator and I sat by the fire and finished off the night with a guided meditation.

Day 5 - Personalized Care & Gratitude

This day's intention was all about personalized care, rest, and taking things slow. So, to compliment the slow morning, I had hot lemon water, juice, and a fiber-rich digestive shake. As well as another curated yoga class and a satiating breakfast, paired with another beautifully sunny day. 

Personally, I’m a bit of a sunshine chaser, so knowing that Peru has comfortable weather all year round, of about 50-75 degrees Fahrenheit, made my heart sing. There’s nothing better than traveling to an area, where I could feel truly comfortable, able to focus on my own care rather than the environment around me. Pacha Munay Wellness, really chose a special spot. Of course, this moment of gratitude was added to my journal session. Along with all the gratitude that I’d felt. Some of them being, thankful for the safety that I felt at Pacha Munay Wellness

After finishing the guided journaling session and lunch, I began to do some self-care, allowing my stomach to rest before getting a massage. Which allowed me to enter an even deeper state of rest before getting my massage.

The massage was performed by a local naturopathic woman and she used her natural herbal creams to massage. Overall her style focused on an effleurage technique, which loosens up the muscles, drains the lymphatic system, and creates quite a bit more blood flow. One of my favorite aspects of the massage, was that she actually massaged the face, head, hands, and feet too.

Many massage therapists in the U.S. primarily focus on the center points of the body, not giving the other important energy points of the body much care. Let’s just say, I slept great that evening and I received the care that I truly needed!

Day 6 - Waterfall Experience

When day six rolled around, I knew it was going to be a day filled with adventure and the ability to experience the nature in Peru even deeper! Oh, but first the hot lemon water, juice, and fiber rich digestive shake. 

Let me start by saying that this hike was long and enriching. For me, long was exactly what I needed to truly soak up the sights, go deeper with myself, get out of my head and into feelings or senses. Whether it be feeling the powerful energy of the falls, smelling the eucalyptus in the breeze, or seeing the water droplets gently hit my skin. All of it is meant to be felt.

So, much happened for me while on the waterfall hike. I pushed myself further than I had expected, was bewildered by the diversity of the foliage, and had an amazing connection with some animals along the way. One of the most powerful things that’s happened for me with my stay here is that my heart has done a lo of healing and just opened up astronomically. 

While I was on this hike, I felt it. So much so, I had animals approaching me and desiring to connect with me, it’s almost as if they could feel my heart calling them in. 

But what a marvelous reflection of how far I’ve come with opening my heart. Before, although I’m vegan, I wanted animals to maintain their distance from me and didn’t welcome their energy to come, but naturally opening my heart also opened me up to the experience of them more too.

Then after arriving back at Pacha Munay Wellness, we spoke of the experience, where I was at, what was coming up for me, and receiving guidance. Finishing off the night with the sauna and rest.

Day 7 - Closing Ceremony Or Experiencing More?

Greeting the morning sun with hot lemon water, superfood juice, and a fiber rich shake; I did my yoga salutations. Each and every yoga session and hike truly allowed for the emotions and thoughts to be released, instead of stirring. They allowed me to feel the freeing sensations and amplified the healings of the Sacred Valley, Peru. The combinations of this Peru Itinerary 2 weeks of Allowing Ease Retreat, felt as if things were perfectly placed together.

Personally, I felt that although the 7 days was a great retreat time, I still desired further healing an even deeper connection to myself, and to stay in a safe space while exploring more of Peru. So, 7 days turned into a Peru Itinerary of 2 weeks. Which looks very similar to these 7 days, simply adding on another 7 days, except I chose to also add on the extensions of Machu Picchu and the Sacred Sites Tour in place of the previous hike and ceremony again…I’ll share more on those tours in the next article

Pacha Munay also offers a 10-day retreat, 15-day retreat, and 21 day retreat. As well as the ability to casually reside on the grounds as you please., offering the ‘Just Be Here Personal Retreat’.

However, If you’re only able to experience the 7 days or decide just 7 days, then the closing ceremony would be the final experience. Which was journaling prayers, giving thanks, chanting by the fire, and burning prayers to send them out. Truly sitting in peace and feeling everything, as the facilitator and I would part, and I’d step back into the world, renewed and reset. 

Author & Photographer Bio:

Serenity, a Seattle native with an insatiable wanderlust, is a travel blogger and photographer looking to capture the magic and beauty of the world. Armed with her trusty camera and boundless curiosity, she ventures off the beaten path to discover hidden gems, sustainable spaces, luxuries, vegan delicacies, wellness centers, nature spots, and overall shares her adventures with fellow explorers. When she's not jet-setting, Serenity can be found indulging in her other passion—maintaining her whimsical blog, coaching, or writing her next book. Above all, she's on a mission to sprinkle doses of laughter, empower, inspire, and add a touch of whimsy into the lives of her readers. Follow Serenity’s journeys at Manifesting Serenity and join the fun!


Why I Left the Hustle for the Heart of Peru: An American's Journey to Peace in the Sacred Valley


Connect Back To Your Authentic Self and Find Your Life’s Balance: The Perfect Self-Paced Itinerary Peru Retreat