Why I Left the Hustle for the Heart of Peru: An American's Journey to Peace in the Sacred Valley

By Sarah, Creative Director & Yoga Teacher at Pacha Munay Wellness

I never imagined that a girl from a small college town in Kentucky would end up finding home in the Sacred Valley of Peru, but here I am—29 years old, living my best life, and feeling more at peace than I ever thought possible. So, how did I go from the fast-paced streets of Miami to teaching yoga surrounded by mountains and alpacas? Well, it definitely wasn't a direct path…

Breathtaking view of the Sacred Valley in Peru

Breathtaking view of the Sacred Valley in Peru

From Nashville to Miami to… Peru?

I grew up in Nashville, Tennessee -yes, the land of country music, and no, I don’t have a southern accent—at least I don’t think so-. After that, I spent five years living in Miami, where I began my yoga teaching career and learned a lot about what I want -and what I don't want-. Miami was fun, exciting, and fast, but something was missing. I felt like I was constantly running, and I wasn’t entirely sure where I was running to.

Before making the leap to Peru, I dipped my toes into Costa Rica for three months—think of it as my tropical layover. I learned that while the beaches were beautiful, my heart longed for something else, for a more grounding energy. That’s when Peru came calling. Literally. I booked a one-way ticket and haven't looked back since.

Sarah teaching yoga under the Andes mountains

Sarah teaching yoga under the Andes mountains

Falling in Love with Peru

Let me tell you something—Peru is a place that holds you in stillness and says, "You’re home now." The people here are genuinely the kindest I’ve ever met. From day one, I’ve felt more welcome than I ever did as a newbie in Miami. There’s a deep sense of community and connection in every interaction, whether I’m haggling at the market –sometimes winning, sometimes losing - or sharing stories with locals over a glass of chicha morada.

Colorful Peruvian market showcasing local culture and community.

And the land... The Sacred Valley feels like it’s holding you, the mountains tower around you, protecting you. There’s a stillness here, a presence that invites you to slow down and just be. I’ve swapped traffic jams and noisy streets for sunrises over the Andes and quiet moments by ancient ruins. Life is simpler, yet richer, in ways that are hard to explain until you’ve experienced it.

The Peace I Didn’t Know I Needed

One of the biggest reasons I love Peru is how much less stressful my life is. I used to think being busy equaled being successful. But since moving here, I’ve realized that peace doesn’t come from checking off to-do lists; it comes from finding stillness in your day-to-day life. Living in Peru has given me the space to breathe—literally and figuratively. There's something incredibly freeing about living in a place where nature is your constant backdrop and the pace of life reminds you that everything unfolds in its own time.

And teaching yoga here? It’s an absolute dream. The energy in Peru is unlike anywhere else I’ve ever been. There’s a natural harmony that aligns with everything I teach—breathing, slowing down, connecting to yourself. Whether it's a morning practice under the clear mountain sky or a quiet evening session as the sun dips behind the peaks, the magic of this place transforms every practice into something truly special.

Guests enjoying a peaceful moment at Pacha Munay Wellness retreat.

Why You Should Visit

Now, if you’re reading this and thinking, "Okay Sarah, this all sounds great, but I’m not just going to pack up and move to Peru,"—I get it. But here’s the thing: You don’t have to move here to experience the peace, beauty, and magic of Peru. You can visit, soak it all in, and take a little piece of it back with you.

That’s where Pacha Munay Wellness comes in. It’s our little secret haven here in the Sacred Valley, where we offer wellness retreats that are more than just an escape—they’re a chance to reconnect with yourself. Whether you’re looking to heal, reset, or just take a break from the everyday grind, we’ve got you covered. You’ll experience everything I’ve come to love about Peru—the people, the culture, the land—and I promise you’ll leave feeling lighter, more grounded, and maybe even a little bit like you’ve found your own home here, too.

So, what do you say? Ready to trade stress for stillness and see what Peru has to offer? I’d love to welcome you to Pacha Munay and share this incredible journey with you.


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