Connect Back To Your Authentic Self and Find Your Life’s Balance: The Perfect Self-Paced Itinerary Peru Retreat

Let’s just say that I ‘thought’ that I knew what I needed, until I was given a clearer reflection of my authentic self and my more ideal life balance, during the self-paced itinerary Peru.

In the beginning, I was experiencing the Allowing Ease Wellness Retreat at Pacha Munay Wellness, deep diving into my emotions, detoxing, and having massive transformations. I’d actually written about my experiences here, if you’d like to read more about it.

But after experiencing that retreat, I knew that I needed to begin working, but boy was I filled with fear. How could I find that work-life balance that I wasn’t able to achieve before? Will I be able to prevent burnout this time? How can I consciously stay vulnerable and connected to my breath while working?

Well, after about a month or so of trial, asking the deep questions and finding my answers, I know it will be valuable to share with you, who might be looking for those same answers. Although your answers may look a touch different because they better fit your needs, my experience can still assist you in your own exploration.

Burnout Prevention

After traveling from place to place, driving my van here and there, I didn’t truly take the chance to stop. I would often feel so pressured, stressed, excited to work that I’d even work on weekends. Yes, all those emotions at once! 

After finally slowing down for the holidays and resting for a minute, that’s when everything caught up with me. Let’s just say that my nervous system had finally had enough and saw it’s opportunity to shut down. So, it did. For months, I’d had pounding headaches, cried for hours, slept most of the day, experienced body aches, and no motivation for anything in life.

So, I began to do the deep work, heal and attend a retreat. But not just any retreat, I attended the Allowing Ease Wellness Retreat at Pacha Munay Wellness. After experiencing some great transformations, like I mentioned in that article, I knew that when my time was done with the retreat I’d need to return to working. 

Although I began to feel the energy and motivation surging through me, the fears also began to bubble to the surface. Have you ever seen a child burn themselves on a stove or pan, and never look at it the same or be extremely hesitant when approaching it again? Well, burnout is no different, our minds are hesitant and fearful. 

However, I’ve re-sparked my consciousness to be more aware in preventing it from happening again, and faced those fears that are intertwined with it too.

So, what better place to do that than a perfect self-paced itinerary Peru called the Just Be Here Retreat. This allowed me to truly integrate back into work, traveling, resting and really being mindful of each step I took back into a ‘regular workday’, but with more grace and prevention.

Work-Life Balance

As I began integrating back into working online, and trying to find my newfound ‘regular workday’, I took it one step at a time. Luckily, while I stayed at the retreat, I was able to still receive care and grace while I explored this.

I’d still wake up in the morning, get the warm lemon water, fresh pressed juice, eat breakfast and mindfully care for myself as I prepared for the day. Maybe even getting in a short morning walk. Truly, allowing myself to integrate the offerings from the self-paced itinerary Peru–  Just Be Here Retreat, as my new self-care balance. 

Before attending the retreat, I would have woken up, rushed to the computer and began working immediately until my brain was tired. Giving myself a break to go make a protein shake and then get ready. Which is not good! But not to worry, I’m doing better now! Especially thanks to the new habits I’ve formed at the retreat.

Now, after finishing my morning, I intentionally set up my space, having my drinks for the next few hours and snacks.

Later, around lunchtime, I’d take a break and enjoy my meal in a peaceful setting. Then, once finished, I’d begin to practice stillness and connecting to my breath. I’ve personally found that after finishing a meal, I’m able to better feel and connect to my body, gradually strengthening my practice. 

Then getting back into work until the evening at a graceful cut-off time of around six. Where I either journal, meditate, do yoga, decompress, and relax. Allowing self-care and ease before bed. 

Best of all, while creating this new-found work-life balance, I set the times, tasks, and schedule for my life. Which means, the weekends have also been for travel and exploration too, including going to a hot spring or hiking Machu Picchu too! (A tour that Pacha Munay Wellness offers too!)

Connecting To A More Authentic Work Style

After finding that better work-life balance, I began to be faced with things deeper than just my daily work habits. I was faced with my actual work itself. It was almost like the next layer of healing in the sense of work. 

I had to face that I was working and performing in other people’s voices, styles, and agendas. No longer my own, and not even in my own voice anymore. I was writing for brands and companies in their voice, to promote them, and not even sharing my own personal experiences in them anymore. 

Although I would try to align my values with companies and projects I’ve either experienced or would be experiencing, I’d still only share maybe a few sentences of my experience, but not much or even nothing at all.

After reflecting, I’d been limiting myself, keeping my voice small, listening to the insecurities of “nobody wants to hear my voice/experience,” or even “my experience is just small in comparison to others”. Rather than pouring my heart and soul into things like I did at the beginning of blogging, things had shifted. 

But now, after being with those things on a deeper level, it was time for a change. It was time to realign with myself, my authentic work style, and allow my voice to shine a bit brighter! These articles that I’ve been writing for Pacha Munay Wellness are just the beginning of that, and you’re witnessing the process unfold alongside me!

Staying Centered

During the Allowing Ease Wellness Retreat that I’d experienced in the beginning of my time in Peru, one of my massive transformations that I experienced was being able to connect to my breath on a deeper level and finding stillness. 

Although I’d achieved it, I didn’t get to it until the end of the week of the very first retreat. So I had the fear of not being able to find it again or maintain it, as I would leave to integrate back into my old patterns, places, and lifestyle. Thankfully, since deciding to experience the self-paced itinerary Peru –the Just Be Here Retreat, I could practice getting back to that place and staying there longer. 

Funny enough, I’d often ask the facilitator, “What if I lose it again or how do I integrate it regularly into my life beyond the one-week retreat?” He’d say to me, it can be done anywhere, and at any time. Although I understood. I’d need to actually put it to practice. So, staying longer, asking him questions and regularly practicing that connection while at Pacha Munay Wellness, allowed me to continue. 

Often my practices were stillness, staying centered, connecting to my breath, or even opening my heart more. Whether it be practicing them daily, on the bus into town, after a meeting, between writing each few paragraphs, after lunch or in the shower. Wherever it was, I knew that I was in the perfect place to do it. I can truly hear as well as feel my needs, truly finding my center, while at Pacha Munay Wellness.

Finding Your Perfect Self-Paced Itinerary Peru

Although this has been my beautiful experience and transformation, yours will be incredibly unique. Approaching things with curiosity and an open mind and heart, will truly allow for you to have the deep experiences that you need 

One of the most beautiful things about the self-paced itinerary Peru, Just Be Here Retreat is that you’re able to also find that balance. To be able to have the opportunity to have the retreat offerings, heal, find your own balance, and to also explore Peru all at the same time is truly a gift. I’d even say it’s the ideal experience, and I can’t imagine experiencing Peru any other way

Author & Photographer Bio:

Serenity, a Seattle native with an insatiable wanderlust, is a travel blogger and photographer looking to capture the magic and beauty of the world. Armed with her trusty camera and boundless curiosity, she ventures off the beaten path to discover hidden gems, sustainable spaces, luxuries, vegan delicacies, wellness centers, nature spots, and overall shares her adventures with fellow explorers. When she's not jet-setting, Serenity can be found indulging in her other passion—maintaining her whimsical blog, coaching, or writing her next book. Above all, she's on a mission to sprinkle doses of laughter, empower, inspire, and add a touch of whimsy into the lives of her readers. Follow Serenity’s journeys at Manifesting Serenity and join the fun!


Journey to Wellness: Peru Itinerary 2 Weeks of Allowing Ease Retreat (Day By Day Experience)


Pacha Munay Wellness in Peru’s Sacred Valley: What A One-Week Wellness, Detox, Self Love Retreat Can Do For You