Subtle Transmissions of the Andes

Transformative tools you’ll receive from simply being here in the Sacred Valley

Often times when people travel they never really leave home. Our intention at Pacha Munay Wellness is for you to be immersed in the transformative energy of the Andes when you visit. So what is this transformative energy of the Andes? It’s a subtle yet powerful energy embodied in the people, the culture, and the landscape. Allowing yourself to fully be open to this energy has transformative effects on how you perceive life, and it has the ability to positively shift your perspective on what matters most in life.

This transmission of the Andes is liberating by removing unnecessary layers of complexity created by man and allows you to uncover the root of your joy and your mission on earth. In my experience, living in Peru for several years, the way this energy is expressed is through the people, the culture, and the mountains.

The subtle teaching of the Andean people: acceptance, patience, allowing, and surrender.

One of the first lessons to be learned here can be a difficult one and is completely missed by many because it can be very frustrating. Bureaucracy anywhere can be frustrating and annoying, but here it’s brought up a notch.

Simple transactions like buying Machu Picchu tickets, paying taxes, or getting documents to travel outside the country are much more time-consuming and require much more effort than in the US. Often times these errands have to be done in person and mean standing in line for long periods of time and multiple trips to different offices. Things simply take longer here.

Adding to this, punctuality is not a strong part of the culture here, as it is in many other parts of the world. Of course, there are people who are punctual, but overall there’s less importance given to being on time here than in other Western cultures. Despite these nuisances, there is a powerful transformative lesson in these aspects of life here.

Once you accept that this is how things are here, you can develop patience and appreciation for the present moment.

For example, when I have to stand in line, I like to refrain from using my phone and simply take the opportunity to simply be. Observe the people in line with me, and share love and patience with them energetically. Feel compassion for whatever may be happening in their life at that moment. Feel appreciation for the people behind the counter having to deal with so many different energies throughout their day.

I like to take the opportunity on these occasions to make it a point to express my gratitude for their hard work by smiling and being as pleasant as I can be. These daily interactions with people plant seeds of the goodness of humanity in others and have a powerful ripple effect in everyone’s life.

When you spend some time here, you'll notice that people still living in the traditional Quechua way of life have enormous patience. In times when they have to be in line, they’re often silent and tranquil or have quiet conversations with their line partners. There’s not any anxiety palpable about the situation they’re in. Patience is ingrained in the Quechua Culture.

One of my favorite sights when traveling the countryside through these mountains is the sight of women grazing their sheep or alpacas high up in the mountains. These places are some of the quietest places on earth. The only noise pollution is the infrequent cars passing by. These women sit by themselves for hours and hours, in complete silence, usually spinning wool into yarn. Unfazed by the silence and solitude, these women hold a powerful transmission.

This transmission is: allowing everything to be the way it is.

This powerful attitude, if applied in your life, can end your suffering in day-to-day life. This attitude is effective in ending suffering because you are no longer negotiating with life. You are not in resistance to life, and trying to force outcomes based on a simple thought that says: “Things shouldn’t be this way”.

Perceiving life through the lens of allowing is liberating because no matter how strong and effective our willpower is, life will always bring about difficult circumstances, and pain. But once you stop resisting and negotiating with life, you can instead respond to life from a place of true power. You accept this is what’s happening, I allow it to be, and this is an opportunity for me to express my heart’s true desire of who and how I want to be in the world.

This is the essence of surrender. Surrendering does not mean giving up in this context. It is an opportunity to fully experience the mystery of life. Once you adopt this way of perceiving, you’ll realize that coincidences are actually blessings. You’ll see that life is navigating you towards your deepest desires and prayers effortlessly, in the wisest most effective way. So much so that from this space you’ll realize life is a miracle, and your prayers are always answered more magnificently than you could ever imagine.

Another transformative subtle transmission you’ll receive during your visit to the Sacred Valley if you’re open to it is cultural.

The culture here appreciates above all the root of existence on earth. Food, shelter, and community. It is clear in plain sight by noticing the abundance and variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and natural medicines available here. The markets are a wondrous array of colors, flavors, odors, and textures. Food is one of the great pleasures of people here.

Community is also very valued here, and it’s an ancient value passed down from Incan times. All small communities here, including ours here in Huayoccari in the Sacred Valley, have a community practice of Faenas. These are regularly scheduled days where all members of the community come together to do public works.

This could mean fixing a road in the community, clearing irrigation channels of debris, installing town plumbing, fixing fencing, or anything else that needs doing in the community. This is an innate aspect of life here, and it maintains the life force of the community alive and well.

There’s also a lot of celebration. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a period longer than two weeks where you don’t hear or witness some kind of celebration.

By being here, and sharing life with the people you’ll encounter here, you’ll find a new appreciation for the root of life on earth.

The things that at the end of the day, and the end of our life matter most. Enjoying the abundant gifts of the earth in the company of others and sharing the goodness of life.

The most subtle yet perhaps the most powerful transmission you’ll receive while being here comes from the Andes mountains themselves. These majestic mountains act as an energetic magnifier. Whatever you are experiencing in your life is magnified within you, and it becomes impossible to ignore. Without having experienced the energy of these mountains firsthand it may sound strange to hear that a geological feature can have any effect on your inner life.

But if you come here with an open attitude, and look forward to a transformation that will improve your life, you’ll feel this energy the moment you step out of the plane in Cusco.

This energy can be quite subtle at times, sometimes even imperceptible, but other times it can be very strong, almost overwhelming. The key to getting the most from this natural transformative energy is to maintain a humble attitude of openness.

What this process of transformation feels like when you’re nestled in these sacred mountains is difficult emotions, limiting beliefs, and thought patterns coming up to the surface in order to be acknowledged and healed.

These limiting patterns will be transformed into wisdom and allies with the right support and attitude. Then the energy of these mountains will feel like waves of peace and presence that embrace you while you’re here.


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